Outsourced HCC Coding in Atlanta GA

Bring big benefits to your business with our outsourced HCC coding in Atlanta GA

While some companies have come under fire for outsourcing customer service to foreign lands, no one is going to fault your health care organization for outsourcing coding activities to American contractors. With the transition to ICD 10 coming up, now is an excellent time to consider outsourced HCC coding in Atlanta GA. We can handle all the training and software adjustments for you, so you never have to worry about a missed reimbursement during this period.

Benefits of Outsourced HCC Coding in Atlanta GA

When deciding whether or not to invest in outsourced HCC coding in Atlanta GA, consider the following benefits:

  • Access to National Talent Pool:We have a huge group of qualified professionals around the country that we draw on to complete coding projects, so when you outsource to us your recruiting won’t be limited to your local area. Getting outside your local area can have many benefits including more affordable and/or more skilled labor.
  • Pre-Trained Coders: We make sure all of the coders we use on client coding projects are fully up to date with all the latest developments in Medicare billing, including ICD 10 coding.
  • Scalability: Often, healthcare organizations struggle to keep up with HCC coding because they are understaffed, and risk late submissions and missed reimbursements as a result. When you use outsourced HCC coding in Atlanta GA on the other hand, you don’t have to worry about late submissions or about having staff sit idle during slow times. Instead, we make sure the exact right number of coders are dedicated to your project at any given time.
  • Reduced Overhead: Outsourcing coder selection and management to us can cut overhead costs by saving you from HR costs. Plus, using offsite coders also saves on overhead, because they will be using their own computers, desks, and electricity to work.
  • Peace of Mind: Outsourced HCC coding in Atlanta GA also provides great peace of mind by relieving you of the responsibility for keeping up with changing code requirements or meeting deadlines. With us on the job, you can rest assured your coding is getting done correctly and on time, and direct energies previously spend managing coding to other parts of your business.

Looking for Outsourced HCC Coding Work?

If you are an experienced HCC coding professional looking for flexible and exciting job opportunities, we invite you to contact HCC Coders. If you meet our screening requirements, we will be happy to add your name to our network.

Ready To Get Started?

Call us today at 877-328-2343 or sign up below:

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