HCC Coders can connect you with experts in ICD 9 coding in Denver CO
ICD 9 coding in Denver CO is a vital activity for health plan providers because it supports the risk adjustment activities required by the CMS. HCC Coders can help by providing the tools necessary to correctly map the 13,000 ICD 9 diagnosis codes to the corresponding HCC codes that determine Medicare Advantage reimbursements.
Get Help with ICD9 Coding in Denver CO
When you hire your coders from us, you can skip all the HR red tape and get them straight to work on ICD 9 coding in Denver CO, because we’ve already pre-screened each and every coder. Just describe your coding needs to us, and we’ll pair you with the right coders for the job. Our coders are fully trained and kept up to date with the latest ICD 9 coding requirements, so you don’t have to invest any time in training. Hire all your staff from us, add just a few coders to your team, or outsource all activities to us.
ICD 9 Coding Software in Denver CO
Besides making recruiting your coding staff easier, HCC Coders can also make the coding and code submission process easier through our proprietary software, HCC Navigator. This software links healthcare professionals with offsite coders by facilitating the secure online transfer of charts and other documentation. You can also audit and review the finished ICD 9 coding in Denver CO on a chart-by-chart basis using HCC Navigator. When this quality control feature is utilized it helps ensure coding accuracy and maximize reimbursements.